Cheap .CN / China Domain Name Registration

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.CN Domain Name Information

The requirements for individual applicants are as follows:

- Scanned copy of identify card (driver's license, passport, national ID etc)
- Signed copy of "Letter of Commitment" document

The requirements for overseas business applicants are as follows:

- Scanned copy of business registration cerficiate
- Scanned copy of identify card (driver's license, passport, national ID etc) for a business representative
- Signed and stamped copy of "Letter of Commitment" document

The requirements for businesses part of China or Hong Kong are as follows:

- Scanned copy of Chinese Business License
- Scanned copy of Certificate of Organization Code
- Scanned copy of Chinese Citizen Nation ID for a business representative
- Signed and stamped copy of "Letter of Commitment" document

The "Letter of Commitment" mentioned above is essentially a terms and agreement document which needs to be provided to the Chinese domain registry (CNNIC) before a .CN domain can be registered. A copy of the document (contains Chinese and English versions) can be found here: Letter of Commitment

.CN Domain Names

Domain Name TLD TypeCountry Code Top Level Domain
Domain Registry Computer Network Information Center, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Domain StructureNames may be registered directly at the second level or at the third level
Domain .CN Whois

.CN Domain Name Information

Transfer a .CN DomainyesThe transfer from a .CN Domain is possible
Transfer Authorization codeyesTo transfer a .CN Domain you will need an Authcode (EPP)
Domain Theft ProtectionnoYou can not place a transfer lock on a .CN; Domain
Change Ownership of a DomainyesOwner change for .CN Domain Name is possible
Internationalized domain name (IDN)yesYou are not allowed to use special characters in the Domain
Domain Privacy WHOISnoYou are not allowed to hide your registration details for .CN Domains

.CN Domain Name Registration Periods

Minimum registry period1 Year(s)
Maximum registry period10 Year(s)
Registration delayThe registration for a .CN domain takes 1 - 3 days.
Cancellation periodThe cancellation period of a .CN domain is 4 days .
Transfer delayTransfering a .CN domain may take up to 1 - 7 days.

Price Information for .CN Domain Names

1 Year .CN Domain Registration $25.99
Domain Name Renew$25.99
Domain Name Transfer$25.99
Registration Agent$0.00

Registry Restrictions if you want to buy a Domain Name

Domain Maximum LengthWhen you buy a .CN domain. you can choose between 3 to 63 Characters .
You are allowed to use hyphen but not at the end or at the beginning of the domain. So you are not allowed to use 2 hyphen after another (ex. aa - bb .CN)
Domain Dispute Policy Rules and Dispute Policies
Domain Restrictions(1) A copy of government issued company registration certificate (any country), and a link to a valid government website where the information can be viewed. (2) A copy of government issued ID of authorized contact person of company. Individuals: a Copy of government issued ID of authorized contact person.

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Get over $250 worth of Free Services with every Domain you Register

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FREE Website Hosting

SoxDomains make it easy for you to have your website up and running in no time, that is why we are offering FREE website hosting with any ccTLD for 6 Months. All you have to do is open a ticket and support will setup your account.

Domain Name Parking

Domain Name Parking

If you have a website that is still under construction, domain name parking allows you to register your domain now and park it until your website is ready to go live. You certainly don't wait to register your domain name and risk losing it. Get it now and park it until your website is ready to launch.

DNS Management

DNS Management

We give you complete control of your domain. Through your control panel you can decide where you want to direct your domain. DNS management is also offered FREE with our shared hosting plans and our dedicated servers.

Domain Transfer Lock

Domain Transfer Lock

You can rest assured that your domain is protected with us. We include domain transfer lock with our Internet domain registration services so that you are protected from any unauthorized transfer requests. Only you can unlock your domain to request a transfer.

Domain Management Tool

Domain Management Tool

We put you in the driver's seat with our web domain management tool. All the details about your domain like the DNS, contact information, email forwarding and URL forwarding is controlled by you in one location.

Custom Email Addresses

Custom Email Addresses

When you register a domain name, you also get access to custom email addresses. You can set up your own email and hundreds more for the employees of your company.

You get all these great features free when you secure your domain with our Internet domain registration services. So don't wait any longer. Use the domain registration lookup tool to find your perfect domain name and secure it today!

SoxDomains .cn

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  • Whois Protection*
  • Easy Control Panel
  • DNS Management
  • Unlimited Mail Forwards
  • Domain Theft Protection
  • Domain Forwarding
  • 24/7 Customer Support
  • and more...

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